Demonstration at the North Cotswold Arts Association 13.03.2013
Title – How To Approach Painting & Improve your Success Rate
Many thanks to the North Cotswold Arts Association for your warm welcome. As promised I have outlined some of the points covered in the demonstration.
3 basic principles to use:
Know your materials
Have confidence
Have perseverance
1. Know your Materials – Colour Palette
Basic PalettePigment no.Common Name
PB:29Ultramarine Blue
PY3Lemon Yellow
PBr7Burnt Umber
Intermediate/Advanced PalettePigment no.Common Name
PB:29Ultramarine Blue
PB15Phthalo Blue
PG7Phthalo Green
PY3Lemon Yellow
PY43Yellow Ochre
PR122Quinacridone Magenta
PR254Pyrrole Red
PR101Indian red or Burnt sienna
PBr7Burnt Umber
2. Have Confidence
How to approach making painting
Its OK not to be sure of the final outcome; painting is invention and discovery
Make mistakes
Ultimately there are many ways to make a painting
Starting a Painting
Pre-mix key colours
Ask yourself what you are trying to achieve (in simple terms)
Have a rough compositional idea
Make a quick sketch
Sketch tips
Make a sketch to warm up – 5 min only!
Have all you need to hand
Use quickest materials i.e. pencil.
A sketch is a good place to work out a rough composition
3. Have Perseverance
Stopping the painting
Personal choice – gut feeling
Experience will improve your decision
Ask yourself has the painting achieved what you wanted it to
Put the painting away for a while, then look at it again with fresh eyes.